Yoga Nidra &
Safe Relaxation for
Yoga Therapy
An Online Course in the Therapeutic Application of Yoga Nidra and other Forms of Deep Relaxation
This course is open to students registered for any of The Yoga Therapy Institute’s Diploma courses and modules, as part of their Yoga Therapy education and training.
It is also open to new students, as an introduction, for those who wish to learn and experience Yoga Nidra in a safe, small group environment.
It is directly focused on the application of Yoga Nidra and relaxation techniques in a Yoga Therapy environment, adapted to individuals or small groups affected by health issues.
You will learn the basic skills of delivering Yoga Nidra in a safe, therapeutic environment under the experienced guidance of Montserrat G Mukherjee C-IAYT and Suze Retera.
Inspired by the teachings of Dr.Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli, founders of The Yoga Nidra Network, and augmented by the practical therapeutic experience of the teachers at The Yoga Therapy Institute.
This training will be offered in English only.
The Program
“Safety in Yoga Nidra and Relaxation for Yoga Therapy“ is a two-day intensive module, designed and recommended for all yoga teachers and Yoga Therapy trainees for the safe, respectful delivery of Yoga Nidra and relaxation practices.
Recent studies show that Yoga Nidra, relaxation practices, and meditation may not be safe for everyone. They might have unwanted side effects, in cases when your student suffers from certain physical or mental health issues, so we need to learn to deliver these techniques in a responsible way.
In this course, you will learn to recognize the signs that may indicate when these practices could be contraindicated for your student, and how to approach any challenging situations that might arise.
I will be co-teaching this course with Montserrat G. Mukherjee, the founder of The Yoga Therapy Institute. Montserrat is a certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT) and Yoga Nidra facilitator. She shares her years of experience with endless enthousiasm, expertise, and tremendous dedication. Both Montserrat and I were trained as Yoga Nidra facilitators by Uma Dinsmore Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli, founders of the Yoga Nidra Network.
As a facilitator you will learn:
The principles of Yoga Nidra and relaxation in a Yoga Therapy / therapeutic setting
Basic elements of Yoga Nidra
The preparation process
Client history evaluation and challenging situations
Psychological contraindications
Physical contraindications
Delivery of Yoga Nidra and relaxation in a therapeutic setting
Opportunities to practice